Tuesday 12 January 2016

Social Networking Sites

Just some screenshots from my active social Networking sites:


Here is my Bloopers video created on Imovie, it's very short and has some unsuccessful but hopefully funny takes in, which should be entertaining for the audience. Its bright and has uplifting music as its not related to the horror/thriller genre but instead is being used to introduce the cast and crew and show some behind the scenes filming footage.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Progress Log...

I am currently in the process of designing a website to promote my film, using a programme called Wix. I have used the Revenant website (http://www.foxmovies.com/movies/the-revenant) as my main guide and it has given me a useful insight of what to include and how to present my content in an appealing way to my audiences. I felt creating something online could be really strong in helping attract and appeal to the age of my target audience due to having been born into the generation of technology; it should be well suited to their lifestyle. It's quick and easy to access and updates can be published at the click of the button; these are just some aspects which make the online promotional method so appealing. Being able to view it though different materials will also help  attract mass audiences (option to view on mobile) as it makes it adaptive to everyones lifestyle. It also allows the chance to build a more personal relationship with the demographic as their are methods of contact, subscriptions and further social media links such as Facebook and Twitter make them feel more involved and give them the opportunity to voice their opinions and converse with other fans about the film. This will help the film gain a buzz as people will be able to get involved no matter where they are. I think this works really well to promote the film on an all round basis. Furthermore, when my trailer is complete, it will be the perfect way to gain peoples attention and show mass audiences all round the world. When my website is complete and online, I will be using an option on the Wix website called 'Promote' which will send out a 'shoutout email', this will be really effective in marketing the film, in addition to the website and social media networks. 

Saturday 2 January 2016

Website Format Research

After deciding to create a website, I decided to do some research to get some inspiration ideas. I looked at a variety of websites before focusing on specifically horror and thriller genre ones. I feel like I now have an understanding of a websites codes and conventions and feel like i'm ready to go ahead and create and design my own one.

Having looked at a range of websites and their content, I have a strong knowledge of common headings, 3 have appeared on almost every website I've looked at and these are:
- Trailer
- Gallery (Photos and Videos)
- Social Networking

These will be the first sections I will look at doing. The trailer is a necessity, it should appear on the home page seeing as its a huge selling point and feature, furthermore it will appeal to a large audience which will result in mass marketing. I have seen on some websites that it starts playing automatically as soon as you visit the page, I will do this with mine too in order to grab the audiences attention and make them watch it.

In a couple of websites, under the gallery > videos section, I have seen outtakes and bloopers video, I really like this idea and think they're effective. It helps the audience feel a more personal relationship as they get to witness the actors in a different, more casual setting. I think this will be unique and help attract people to the website. I also intend to add photos, I have already picked out some successful images I would like to post under this section. I will be editing them to black and white as i feel this will suit the theme of my website.

Social Networking links are also a huge factor, they're a great way to gain publicity and spread news, updates and pictures quickly and to reach a large audience. I have already created a Facebook page and Twitter account for the Playhouse and I will also be creating an instagram for a photo feed (exclusive pictures). 

Friday 1 January 2016

Progress Log...

I've decided to do a website, because if felt it was a more effective way to promote my film so I will be doing new format research on this and if i have time, complete the magazine.