Monday 13 July 2015

Key conventions of a music video

To create a successful music video I will need to stick to these key conventions developed from Goodwin theory:

  • Have a link between the lyrics and the visuals (the lyrics should either amplify, compliment or contradict the visuals)
  • Have a link between the music and visuals
  • Contain genre characteristics and iconography
  • Contain notions of looking
  • Have inter textual references to other media (links to another piece of media within a piece of media)
  • Show voyeurism (when a person receives pleasure from seeing someone without them knowing (usually sexual))
  • Include demand of the record label
  • The video must be performance, narrative or concept based

Key Definitions;

Intertextuality: The shaping of the texts meaning through another text or referencing 

Notions of looking: the notion of the camera which engages the audience or guides them to look at something. Voyeurism is present, as direct gazes and certain camera angles cause the audience to feel like there getting an insight to the artists life. 

To further my understanding on Goodwins theory, I found a very useful slideshare which I've posted below: share

Sunday 12 July 2015

1st Video Editing experience

My intentions with my first video edit was to make it slightly funny if possible; I felt this way I could be more experimental with effects and transitions, also on which parts of the clip I kept or cut out. After a while of use, it was easier to find my way around the relevant tools and discovered more as I spent more time playing around with various hacks. Overall,it has given me a good taster of how to use the programme and what to expect from it, which will help me in my process of planning and producing my final piece at the end of the media course.

Thursday 9 July 2015

What I learnt using adobe premiere

To cut the clip to make the conversation flow, you need to right click and cut the video in desirable places
By right clicking, this list of available options appear. I wanted to delete this part of the clip therefore clicked on 'cut'.
To add a transition from clip to clip, you could chose a transition from here and drag it with your mouse to the clip.

It asked you what part of the clip you would like your transition to start and how long you wanted it to last- which it seemed to be better if it was shorted because the video appeared more consistent and flowing.

By clicking 'More' there was some advanced options that came up which where interesting to adjust and experiment with.
To add music, you simply dragged and dropped the soundtrack is the desired space.

My peer assessment of another students blog:

We were set a task to do a peer assessment, so I contacted someone via email, (screenshots are shown below) in order to find someone to swap blog addresses with and pursue the peer assessment. 

 I found this a useful exercise to receive help from my classmates as they pointed out improvements I otherwise might not have noticed.

My Peer assessment for: georgiagibbsa2media.blogspot, Im currently waiting for her to email a response and get some feedback of what she thought about my comments. 

Georgia's peer assessment for me and my response (in red):